The old woman, the magpie and the old man
‘Nginjinyi ngarne junpanh-nginji ngalanj wanamayinte ngakinji ngapunjinginja marlukanj piya wana-njinte-nguyu langkurnul pelitch-puwa nyaniyitjite nginya ngarnji. Kerrerangkulji ngininiwarn-ngiyi ngalern, “nguwan nyungurn nimpin thanja piya wiyinji-ngu, thet panjkirrem nyalinj wayniya, merrep.” Pernenante nginini nginjinj jirakanj, kerrerangkulji hginjinj nginini-ngi, thala langkurnel “Merrep-karri Nyananinja, ngerrepakpe ngiyitji nginja marlukanj nginiyin ngerrepanh.’
‘This story was told to me by my mum a long time ago. It is about an old woman, a magpie and an old man. A long time ago in the dreaming, a old man had a fight with his wife. she ran away and hid from him in a cave, a little while later the old man came looking for her. The magpie seen him coming and told the woman “don’t move, don’t come out, that old man coming for you to belt you” so the woman hid in cave so the old man couldn’t see her.
They then all turned into stone and they are still there today, this story is on Violet Valley, my mothers Country.’