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Banana Springs

“This story is about Banana Spring near Texas Down Station. My mum and Dad and the families from Texas Downs Station used to go out for the hunting and fishing. And also camping out. They used to call it dinner camp, because there they would always tell stories about different places, and they would tell us where their birth place was out bush.” – Jane Yalunga 

Categories: WARMUN ART


Language: English, Gija, Kimberley Kriol

Community: Warmun


Jane Yalunga Tinmarie was born in Wyndham, Western Australia. She went to school in Wyndham as a young girl, then moved to Warmun community, Westerm Australia, where she now lives. Yalunga worked as a teacher's aide at the Ngalangangpum Community School in Warmun for many years.

As the daughter of one of Australia's most famous artists - Rover Thomas, Jane grew up watching her father paint. She started painting herself in 2000 at Warmun Art Centre and her subjects include her family country on Texas Downs Station, local birds and animals and the country around Warmun in the East Kimberley area of Western Australia. She also paints the Dreamings from her father's country including images from the significant Gurirr Gurirr joonba (song cycle) that her father famously received in a dream and which is central to the emergence of the contemporary Warmun Art Movement. Jane lives in Warmun (Turkey Creek) with her five children, her partner and her extended family.

Jane Yalunga also works as studio assistant at Warmun Art Centre where she is responsible for assisting Warmun artists with their requirements including preparation of materials, senior and emerging artist support and packing and despatch of sales. 

© the artist / art centre