Holy Spirit in the Land This image is of the Holy Spirit being in the land with the Milky Way in the skies.
Language: Bunuba, Gooniyandi, Gija
Community: Warmun
Jimmy Johnson was born in Derby in 1968. He was brought up by the elder brother of Rusty Peters and Rammel Peters. His mother and father were stock workers who travelled to many different stations to work. Johnson went to school in Halls Creek and would follow his parents to whatever station they were working at for his school holidays. When he was old enough, Johnson also began station work and he remembers working on around twenty different stations in the Kimberley and the Northern Territory. Eventually his parents settled in Warmun Community. Jimbo Johnson began painting at Warmun Art Centre in 2005. He is married to Warmun artist Jane Yalunga. Three of their children Coralee, Lazarus and Cody are also keen painters. Jonhnson takes as his subject matter country and Dreaming stories from around his home in Warmun. He is also known for painting many of the animals found in Gija country as well as aspects of hunting such as traditional tools and weapons. Jimbo Johnson often takes his family on fishing and hunting trips to the country he paints. He has developed his own distinctive style and approach featuring large areas of dotting in varying colours. This sets him apart from other artists in his community. Johnson began painting only recently but has joined Jane Yalunga in the new generation of accomplished young Warmun ochre artists.