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BOOLARGYEE, Picinniny & Cathedral Gorge- Purnululu- by Dwayne Jessell

Story Inspired by Jack Britten- Dwayne Jessell’s adopting father.

This is my father’s country- Jack Britten

The hills in the foreground are the limestone hills found in Purnululu (the Bungle Bungles). The red hills behind are the brilliant shining cliffs that are seen at sunset anywhere in the Kimberley on a west-facing wall.

Here Dwayne Jessel has painted Piccinniny Gorge on the side of the Bungle Bungles, Purnululu.

He says, These are all the fruits around that country. Picinniny River with all the rocks.

There are a big mob of gorges round Bungle Bungle area. I’ve done two of them here, Picinniny Gorge and the other is Cathedral Gorge.

Categories: WARMUN ART


Language: English, Gija, Kriol, Miriwoong

Community: Warmun


Dwayne was bought up by renowned Warmun artist Jack Britten and has adopted many of the techniques and a similar style to his father. Dwayne paints the traditional country of his father - Purnululu (Bungle Bungles) - the World Heritage listed National Park south of Warmun. Dwayne paints in collaboration with his partner Josie Drill, also a traditional owner for Purnululu. Josie often paints the dots and some of the finer detail in the paintings.

© the artist / art centre