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Pangkapirni Minyi Puru

“Kunawarritji, Nyipil, Kinyu, and Parnkarpini, the Minyipuru were travelling through all of my Country”.

Nora Nungabar

Minyipuru, or Jakulyukulyu (Seven Sisters) is a central Jukurrpa (Dreaming) narrative for Martu, Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people that is associated with the seasonal Pleiades star constellation. Relayed in song, dance, stories and paintings, Minyipuru serves as a creation narrative, a source of information relating to the physical properties of the land, and an embodiment of Aboriginal cultural laws. When Martumili Artists was established in 2005, this was the first Jukurrpa story the artists agreed to paint for a broader public. 

Beginning in Roebourne on the west coast of Western Australia, the story morphs in its movement eastward across the land, following a group of women as they walk, dance, and even fly from waterhole to waterhole. As they travel the women camp, sing, wash, dance and gather food, leaving markers in the landscape and creating landforms that remain to this day, such as groupings of rocks and trees, grinding stones and seeds. During the entirety of their journey the women are pursued by a lustful old man, Yurla, although interactions with other animals, groups of men, and spirit beings are also chronicled.

Nungabar here makes reference in particular to the travels of the Minyipuru through sites located within her ngurra (home Country, camp), including Pangkapirni, between Canning Stock Route Wells 35 and 36. At Pangkapirni Yurla, who had been following the women through their travels, finally caught up with them. The women watched him sleep and when he woke up he grabbed one of them and forcibly slept with her. The other women tried to help their sister escape, but they couldn’t free her. They promised that they would stay with Yurla and made him collect wood for them. They teased him, saying “Come and get us!”, and he began to sing a man’s song and ran away happy; his heart was beating fast. However, the Minyipuru were tricking Yurla and instead hid from him, floating in the air in a long line while he ran around trying to find their tracks. Finally they made a kumpu (urinated) on his face, until he couldn’t see anything at all, but he could hear the Minyipuru giggling and laughing above him. He fetched a jannga (ladder) and tried to reach them, but they just floated higher and then pushed the ladder over when he got too close. He eventually tired and fell down, crawling on his stomach. He crawled a long way and then slept, and while he was asleep, the Minyipuru all flew away. From Pangkapirni the Minyipuru continued to flee far to the east and beyond Martu Country, stopping at various sites through central and South Australia, with Yurla pursuing them throughout their journey.

Name: Nora (Nyangapa) Nungabar

Language: Manyjilyjarra

Community: Kunawarritji


“I was born near Lipuru (Libral Well, Canning Stock Route Well 37) and Pirrkartil is my birthplace. My mother looked after me when I was a little baby in the side of a sandhill. Mum and Dad, they took care of me. We stayed there for a long time when I was little and then we started travelling. They kept me there and then we went to Julyjarru and we stayed there and then I grew up a bit and I started walking. They kept me there and after that they took me to a place called Kil-kil (Kilykily, Canning Stock Route Well 36), and there we stayed again for long time. I was growing bigger when we went to Tintinmarran. We stayed there with other relatives until my parents took me to … Wajaparni. 

Much later I went to Balgo. I had kids when I was travelling. I went east along the Canning Stock Route, and kept going east, to Nyipily (Nyipil, Nibil, Canning Stock Route Well 34), Kinyu (Canning Stock Route Well 35) and Pangkapirni (Bungabindi Well) and Kil-kil. I was walking with a grinding stone, carrying it on my head. We got up and started our journey… travelling with the drovers all the way. We travelled on foot; they didn’t give us a ride on the camels. We thought it was [going to be] close, but it was long way.”

 - Nora Nungabar (Nyangapa) (dec.), as translated by Ngalangka Nola Taylor


Nora Nungabar was a Manyjilyjarra woman born near Lipuru well. She grew up in the Country that became Wells 33 through to 38 along the Canning Stock Route. From an early age Nungabar and her family had encounters with the white men who drove cattle along the route. As a young woman, together with her close friend Nora Wompi, Nungabar followed the drovers north to Balgo Mission, where she settled and raised a family.

Nungabar eventually relocated to her homelands at Kunawarritji, though she continued to travel regularly between Kunawarritji, Balgo and Mulan. Through her artistic career, painting with both Warlayirti and Martumili Artists, Nungabar earned critical acclaim for her remarkably expressive, evocative style. Many younger artists described having learned to paint by watching her example. Nungabar was a custodian of a great deal of cultural knowledge about the Kunawarritji area, much of which is referred to in her extensive body of work. Nungabar’s paintings have been exhibited in galleries internationally and throughout Australia, and acquired by the National Museum of Australia and the National Gallery of Victoria. 

© the artist / art centre