Mabel was born in the 1920s at Yirajarra, near Juntu Juntu [Well 30] on the Canning Stock Route. Her parents were both Warnman people, their country encompassing Tarl, Nyajarra and Juntu Juntu. Mabel grew up in the pujiman (desert dwelling) era until she, along with other family members decided to begin the long journey to Jigalong Mission, where many other desert families had already relocated. They walked through Karlamilyi (Rudall River) and Talawana.
Mabel, a prolific artist, paints her ngurra (home) and her warrarn (country) to teach the young so that they can learn to paint too. When Mabel first started painting she was living in Irrungadji Community in Nullagine with fellow Martumili Artists Lily Long and Amy French.