Screen print
Tamisha and Montana experimentation with screenprinting techniques as part of the artworker-training trip to Melbourne in 2019 at Negative Press studio.
Tamisha and Montana experimentation with screenprinting techniques as part of the artworker-training trip to Melbourne in 2019 at Negative Press studio.
Name: Montana Clause
Language: Manjilyjarra
Name: Tamisha Williams
Language: Manyjilyjarra
Punmu waterholes “Punmu, I went there when I was a young girl, a teenager with my mother and father before my mother passed. Big mob of people was there. No building, just little cubby houses Read more…
Linyji (claypan) This work depicts a linyji (claypan) within the artists’ ngurra (home Country, camp), typically represented with circular forms. Claypans were visited more often during the wet seasons as they filled with water. During Read more…
Kunawarritji (Canning Stock Route Well 33) “We went to Kunawarritji. We went out to see the waterholes with Kumpaya [Girgirba], my aunty – my dad’s sister. It’s the first time I went in a chopper Read more…