‘Kurjarala’ spring in the middle of the lake, north side of Bigydanga. My family used to walk round there, now all gone back to Punmu.
‘Kurjarala’ spring in the middle of the lake, north side of Bigydanga. My family used to walk round there, now all gone back to Punmu.
Name: Beverley Rogers
Community: Punmu
Beverley lives in Punmu Community, where she paints with her mother and fellow Martumili Artist Reena Rogers. Through painting Reena teaches Beverley the stories for her Country.
Untitled This is Wurta Amy French’s Country- her ‘ngurra’ (home Country, camp). People identify with their ngurra in terms of specific rights and responsibilities, and the possession of intimate knowledge of the physical and cultural Read more…
Untitled Martumili Artists work with over three hundred artists from remote Martu Aboriginal communities, including Punmu, Parnngurr, Kunawarritji, Jigalong, Irrungadji (Nullagine), and Warralong, as well as from the Parnpajinya (Newman) gallery and studio spaces. Known Read more…
Kun Kun (Kuny-Kuny) Kun Kun (Kuny-kuny) is a soak accessing a large body of underground water, located southeast of Kunawarritji (Canning Stock Route Well 33). The site is sacred for its association with the marlu Read more…