Two Kangaroos Hopping Away on the Plain
“When we shoot and kill the kangaroo, we cook it in the bush. We sit around [the fire] and wait for the kangaroo to get cooked.”
– Noreena Kadibil
Marlu (kangaroo) are one of the largest species that form part of the Martu diet, and are typically hunted by men on specific trips targeting major game. Marlu are prized not only for the high yield of meat which they represent, but also for the level of skill and stamina required to hunt them. When hunted, marlu are typically directed via fire and then tracked for a lengthy period of up to several hours. Effective hunting also relies on one’s knowledge of seasonal conditions and preferred foods and habitats. Traditionally, marlu were stalked and then speared. Today, marlu are generally hunted with rifles at the beginning of yalijarra (hot season), before the rains.
During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) period, Martu would traverse very large distances annually in small family groups, moving seasonally from water source to water source, and hunting and gathering bush tucker as they went. Whilst desert life has moved away from mobile hunter-gatherer subsistence throughout the course of the twentieth century, bush tucker continues to be a significant component of the modern Martu diet. Hunting and gathering bush tucker remains equally valuable as an important cultural practice that is passed on intergenerationally. Though hunting and gathering implements have been modernised, methods of harvesting, tracking and the use of fire burning to drive animals from their retreats are still commonly practiced today.