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This work portrays an area known to the artist, painted here from memory. During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) era one’s survival depended on their intimate knowledge of the location of resources; thus physical elements of Country, such as sources of kapi (water), tali (sandhills), and different varieties of warta (trees, vegetation) were carefully observed and remembered. Today, this relationship with Country remains equally strong, despite the movement of Martu out of the desert and into remote Aboriginal communities, towns and cities.

Also visible may be traces of life cycles based around kalyu (rain, water) and waru (fire). A thousands of year old practice, fire burning continues to be carried out as both an aid for hunting and a means of land management today. As the Martu travelled and hunted they would burn tracts of land, ensuring plant and animal biodiversity and reducing the risk of unmanageable, spontaneous bush fires. The patchwork nature of regrowth is visible in many landscape works, with each of the five distinctive phases of fire burning visually described with respect to the cycle of burning and regrowth.  

Finally, metaphysical information relating to a location may also be recorded; Jukurrpa (Dreaming) narratives chronicle the creation of physical landmarks, and can be referenced through depictions of ceremonial sites, songlines, and markers left in the land. 

Name: Delicia Attwood

Community: Kunawarritji


“I like to paint flowers, desert flowers. My mother was an artist, but she always do weaving. She always sit down all day in the shade. Doing those baskets. Talk story same time, laughing.”

-Delicia Attwood

Delicia grew up in Parngurr Community, this is where her mother’s (Leonie Attwood) side of the family is from. She lived here for most of her younger years with her grandparents.

She later moved to Kunawarritji Community, where she now lives. This is where her father’s side of the family is from.

Delicia learnt to paint organically, watching her grandparents at work and in this way absorbing information on style and story. In her own paintings, Delicia focuses primarily on painting the different types of wildflowers found around the desert.

As stated by Delicia, she looks forward to learning new stories and experimenting with different ways to paint ngurra (home camp, country) as her painting career matures. She also wants to try basket weaving. Delicia enjoys painting as an opportunity to sit down with others.


© the artist / art centre