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Wild Desert Flowers on the Canning Stock Route

“I love going out bush camping. I’ve been going out to my mothers and fathers country and looking around at all that. The flowers are always blooming up in September. When you’re travelling on Ranger trips from Wiluna over the sand dunes you can see them all looking lovely.”

– Desrea Anderson

This work depicts the remarkably diverse flora found through Martu Country. These plants are not only vital as significant food sources, but also celebrated for their aesthetic splendour. In the context of the often harsh and arid environments in which desert flowers bloom, their vibrancy, delicacy, and variation become even more spectacular. 

Name: Desrae Anderson

Language: Manyjilyjarra


I worked at KJ for six years and then I started painting. I used to paint at the old Martumilim my first painting sold in 2013. 

© the artist / art centre