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Rocky Point Sea Life

This design is a salt water story, depicting sea life mainly from Rocky Point and also Nardilmuk homelands. The etching features the diverse salt water life from the country in Central Arnhemland, including dugong, shark, prawn, fish, sea-snake, and lobster. “We always go fishing and get these fish and animals and cook them on the fire for eating together. We can only see them dugong at night time, that’s when we hunt them. We get that line and go fishing down at the rocks and get them shark and stingray. Some fish we can catch with a net or spear and some we catch out deep blue sea in that boat. In this design the animals are alive underwater, that’s why it is blue all over.”

Name: Miriam Jinmanga

Language: Na-Kara


Miriam is a Nakara woman whose country is Rocky Point. Miriam grew up on her homeland, attending the remote outstation school. Miriam joined Bábbarra Women’s Centre in 2017. Nakara is an endangered language, which belongs to the coastal country east of Maningrida community.


Miriam is a competent lino printer, often depicting salt-water stories and imagery relating to her country. Miriam had also worked on paper, which debuted in the Kun-waral: Spirit Shadows exhibition at Salon Art Space in Darwin in 2019.

© the artist / art centre