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Coil Basket

Coiling technique was introduced in the 1920s at Goulburn Island to the Maung people by missionaries and quickly spread to the mainland. Many artists produce coiled baskets of varied shapes, ranging from small round baskets to large oval baby baskets made from dyed pandanus. Artists combine colours and patterns to obtain intricate new graphic patterns.

Name: Serena Gubuyani

Language: Kuninjku

Community: Maningrida


Serena comes from a family of celebrated weavers. She alongside Telstra NATSIAA award winning sister Anniebell Marngarramarngarra both learning weaving from their mother Nancy Djuluma.  

Sererena first started weaving using the coiling and twining technique which she used to make baskets, dilly bags and string bags. Following her sister she started building bamboo frames with she weaves colourful pandanus between.

She commonly depicts her mother's djang (dreaming) Stingray and Barramundi of which she is djungkay for.



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