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Bush Jewellery – Necklace

The women of Maningrida and surrounding homelands use a combination of locally found seeds, bone and shells to make a variety of jewellery including necklaces. earrings and bracelets.  Many of the artists use complex patterns and designs to make their beautiful creations.

Name: Lulu Laradjbi

Language: Kuninjku

Community: Maningrida


Lulu Laradjbi is a senior fibre artist born in 1949.  Her partner was the acclaimed bark painter Mick Kubarkku.  His waterhole djang which he passed on to her often features in her work.  Expansive and innovative in scale and composition, Lulu's oeuvre is also inspired her totem the stringray and the yawk yawk spirit being from her country.

© the artist / art centre