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Gomarla (Egret bird)

The artist has carved the ‘Gomarla’, which in the Burarra word for Egret. This bird is native to the country of Yilan, which is the coastal region North West of Maningrida Community. 

Name: Phillip Ladjarra Morris

Language: Burarra (Martay)

Community: Maningrida


Phillip Morris Larjarra  Artist and  a singer and has Wife and children.Phillip has been living in Jimardi Outstation when he was Young Phillip started  paintings Birds because it relative to the songline Phillip sing Gomarla the white Egert bird and also other birds. Phillip started Singing when he was around mid 20 and 30 he was taught by his Grandfather Johnny Guybaka. Johnny Told Phillip Morris and Alan Carter and Derek Carter to learn more thing from him like songs and for Ceremony so they could take over when his gone and they will tell That story and songline to their children and his Grandson belongs to Yirrchinga  people and it relative to the clan group which is balkarranga and warrawarra and Gamal people that are living in Outstations  Remote Community of Maningrida. Phillip 

© the artist / art centre