Name: Manasseh Namunjdja

Language: Kuninjku

Community: Maningrida


Godjok Manasseh Namunjdja is an emerging artist from the Kardbam clan. Younger brother to Primavera '19 and Wynne prize finalist Kenan Namunjdja, the son of famed Kuninkju artist Samuel Namunjdja (dec) and the grandson of the 

Manasseh learnt to paint under the guidance of his father, he paints his djang Kunkurra (The Spiralling Wind), Galawan (Goanna), Ngalng (Yabby)

Whilst his painting shares the same delicate and meticulous application of rarrk that is similar to his brother and father Manasseh is carving out his own style.

© the artist / art centre