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Burlupurr – large dillybag

Burlupurr, or dilly bag, is a large woven collecting basket. These large bags are often made from the vine ‘Malasia scandens’, a strong pliable plant which grows along the floor and into the canopy of monsoon vine thickets. The bags are used to collect any kind of large numbers of heavy foods such as fish caught in conical fish traps or large collections of yams.

They can also be made from Pandanus spiralis, a plant which grows in many areas of Arnhem Land. These dilly bags are a tightly woven collecting basket, very finely made. These dilly bags are often used to collect sugarbag, the native honey 

As well as being of practical use, dilly bags are also of religious significance to Arnhem Land people. Dilly bags are said to be totemic objects and associated with particular sites in the landscape.

Name: Jennifer Brown

Language: Burarra

Community: Maningrida


Jennifer Brown from Maningrida but she grow up in Yilan Outstation and also in jimardi Outstation which is Blyth river in Maningrida remote Community. Jennifer has been weaving when she was out 30 years of age and taught by her mother Mary Ngalmilaga. Jennifer has been making Mats, Dillybags, and a fish-traps so far this year and looking forward to do some weaving again Jennifer has Three children and has a partner his name is Phillip Morris his also an artist.   

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