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Bush Jewellery – Earrings

The women of Maningrida and surrounding homelands use a combination of locally found seeds, bone and shells to make a variety of jewellery including necklaces. earrings and bracelets.  Many of the artists use complex patterns and designs to make their beautiful creations.

Name: Anthea Stewart

Language: Burarra (Martay)

Community: Maningrida


Anthea Stewarts County is Jimardi Outstation, started weaving since she was about 11 years of age learning from her grandmother.

She is an accomplished weaver of An-gujechiya (Fish Trap), Burlupurr (Dilly bags) and earrings. Her weaving are recognisable wit strong bright bands of coloured Pandanus (pandanus) 

Whilst still a relatively young and emerging artist, Anthea demonstrates the skill and weaving precision of a senior weaver.

© the artist / art centre