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String Bag

String bags can vary greatly. Artists commonly use a mix of naturally dyed and undyed fibre to create a striking variation of coloured bands. Some artists also incorporate different types of looping to produce different patterns and textured finishes. Each type of fibre bag, mat, basket and dilly bag has its own name in the various languages spoken in the Maningrida region.

Name: Esther Yarllarlla

Language: Ndjébbana

Community: Maningrida


Esther is a highly skilled weaver, who has been weaving with her family since she was a young girl. Esther lives with her family in Maningrida, who she helps to support through her income from weaving.

Esther's first language is Ndjebbana, from the Western Arnhem Land region, and her country is Malabonowa.

© the artist / art centre