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Rduh (Possum)

Throughout the 1990s, artists Lena Yarinkura and her mother Lena Djammarrayku (now deceased) diverged from the more conventional fibre work of their contemporaries, extending traditional weaving techniques and materials to make new ambitious and innovative sculptural forms. Yarinkura applied the dilly bag, fish trap and coil basket weaving techniques to make the body of new forms, such as djamo (dog), yok (bandiboot) and yawkyawk (female water spirit), which she then filled with paperbark and painted with ochre. Yarinkura and her husband Bob Burruwal have also become renowned for their distinctive spirit figures, including wurum and wyarra, which are often displayed as part of large installations. In using her weaving skills to make three-dimensional representations, Yarinkura has adapted a traditional weaving technique to explore new narrative possibilities for expressing important cosmological themes or illustrating stories from her homeland. Yarinkura and Burruwal’s children, grandchildren and extended family, including Yolanda Rostron, Philimena Kelly, Vera Cameron and Gloreen Campion, continue this legacy.

Name: Vera Cameron

Language: Rembarrnga

Community: Maningrida


 Ngarrichan Vera Cameron (b. 1969) lives and works at Ankabarrbirri outstation with her partner Balang David Brian. Her mother’s country is Malnjangarnak (Rembarrnga) and her father’s country is Kakodbabuldi (Kuninjku). She strongly identifies with Rembarrnga and Kune cultures from her first husband, renowned artist, Wally Lipuwanga.

Ngarrichan is an accomplished fibre artist, specialising in 2D and 3D sculptures of animals and ancestral beings. She also makes string bags, dilly bags and baskets. She works with a range of natural materials and is recognised for her use of vibrant natural dyes. Her partner, David Brian's, grandmother and Lena Yarinkura’s mother, Lena Djamarrayku, taught her to weave.



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