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Kurr Kurrta and Talipanta Loyd Jackson’s fathers Tjurkurpa

“Two men were camping and sitting down at the rockhole waiting for those Camels and Kangaroos to come and drink. Them men they block up the gap so them Camels and Kangaroo get caught, they kill em and eat em.
When we go to find those waterhole now they covered up by sand, that wind blow em over and can’t see now.”

Categories: Papulankutja Artists

Name: Lloyd Jackson

Language: Ngaanyatjarra

Community: Mantamaru (Jameson)


Loyd Jackson is the son of artist Reggie Jackson (deceased) a well know painter of Papulankutja Artists. Through our emerging artists outreach program to Jameson community Loyd has taken up painting following in his father's footsteps.

The Emerging Artist's Program was set up to encourage inter-generational learning between new and established artists whilst also allowing the younger generation and new indigenous community members an opportunity to participate in the market economy of painting. Through working side by side with elders and art staff this new generation of painters are slowly developing their own unique styles of painting reflecting the country of their homeland and the stories of their tjukurpa. (dreamtime) 

© the artist / art centre