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Mapu (egg)

Eggs are very important to Yolngu people. They are very common in the bush from both birds and reptiles such as magpie geese, lizards, turtles and crocodiles. They are used in ceremony and a food source.

The artists in Ramingining paint designs and images of animals, plants, and landscape. These motifs commonly reflect the artists ancestral inheritance and their totems and dreamings.

Categories: Bula'bula Arts

Name: Evonne Rraraypum

Language: Djambarrpuyungu


Evonne is one of eight children from one of the first recognised female painters in Ramingining; D. Djukulul. She has only recently started to come and paint at the art centre, however she watched and practiced with her Mum since she was a young child, carrying on family tradition through painting song lines and story lines.

© the artist / art centre