Sea Turtles
When we see sea turtles it can mean that they can be mating and that makes us aware that they will soon be going to lay eggs. Some of our people eat the eggs and turtles.
When we see sea turtles it can mean that they can be mating and that makes us aware that they will soon be going to lay eggs. Some of our people eat the eggs and turtles.
Name: Danii Rae Wilson
Danii-Rae has only been painting for a short while. She joined the Yinjaa-Barni Art centre to do work experience from her education support class in 2015.
Danii-Rae likes painting flowers, sea-life, such as fish and turtles, and has recently added parrots to her paintings.
She chooses bright colours and has developed a unique contemporary style of her own.
Milstream waterholes This is the waterholes at milstream and all the murky grasses that you wade through.
Barramundi The Barramundi is fished for at the mouth of the Harding River.