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Denise Ngwarraye Bonney – Bush Melon

On my grandmothers and grandfathers country after the rain I remember the smell of bush melons.    I know that they are sweet and ready to eat at this time.  They grow along the ground, I would lift the vine up and find all the yellow fruit. 

Name: Denise Ngwarraye Bonney

Language: Alyawarr

Community: Ampilatwatja


Denise is the daughter of senior Ampilatwatja artist Eileen Bonney. Denise has been painting at Ampilatwatja for over ten years, she has four daughters and a son. She is a proud grandmother and is happiest when she is with her family.

Denise paints her grandmothers country, Canteen Creek.

© the artist / art centre