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Elizabeth Ngwarraye Bonney – Sand Goanna

When the goannas run into the hole we block the front and find it through the top of the ground.  We use the digging stick to hold it and we then find and grab the tail and pull it out and then hit it on the head to kill it.  We take back to camp, clean them and cook it in the hot coals.

Name: Elizabeth Ngwarraye Bonney

Language: Alyawarr

Community: Ampilatwatja


Elizabeth was born in Tennant Creek. Her Mother Eileen is one of the original artists of Ampilatwatja and for many years they would sit and paint together.

Elizabeth is one of the senior traditional healers in Ampilatwatja.

“My Great Great Grandfather’s country is Arlenkw. My Grandfather’s Mother’s country is Titjambera. My Great Grandmother’s country is Arene. I paint to keep my country alive, so we can know and teach our young ones, our grandchildren. When I'm not painting I like to go visiting family or hunting for echidna, sugar bag and bush potato”.

© the artist / art centre