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Minyma Kutjara

There is a story of deep significance to women which contains metaphorical references to female cycles. It tells of two women travelling north. The pair meet with a group of women, including Kutungu, who are caring for a man who then passes away. They then travel to the area known as Mantaruta, near Uluru, where they chase a curious wanampi (serpent) deep into the ground while trying to catch him. They burn their body hair to attract him and hit him on the head and run away. From afar they throw a manguri/traditional head-ring for carrying which also hits him. He then comes and hits the women who travel on bleeding and hurt.

Categories: Ernabella Arts Inc.

Name: Sandra Adamson

Language: Pitjantjatjara

Community: Pukatja


Sandra is an emerging artist and first started painting at the art centre in 2022. She is the daughter of established artist Imiyari Yilpi Adamson and cousin to Tjulyata Kulyuru. Sandra has seen these two artists, and other members of her extended family, working in the art centre and she decided to come here to tell her own story on canvas.

© the artist / art centre