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Tjitji Tjuta Walytjata

This Tjukurpa is from a place called Walytjata near Pipalyatjara. It’s a true story. You can see all the kids sitting there in the cave. The mother left and told the kids to stay there, but she never came back. It’s a sad story. The older brother, he was looking after everyone. He would go out hunting for malu (kangaroo), kalaya (emu) and bring back the kuka (meat) for all the kids.

Categories: Ernabella Arts Inc.

Name: Imiyari (Yilpi) Adamson

Language: Pitjantjatjara

Community: Pukatja


Imiyari was born in Ernabella in 1954. She has been coming to the art centre since she was a young woman and she has worked across many different mediums over the years. Imiyari is an accomplished batik artist, tjanpi weaver, an expert mukata (beanie) maker as well as being a painter. She is the mother of Priscilla and Sandra Adamson, who are up and coming artists, and aunt of emerging break through artist Tjulyata Kulyuru. Imiyari has works in the collections of the National Museum of Australia and the National Museum of Scotland.

Imiyari is a highly respected senior artist and community elder. She has been an Ernabella Arts Board member in 2022, 2023 and 2024.

© the artist / art centre