Jaigung – File Snake
This painting depicts two Jaigung, or file snakes swimming in water. File snakes are a harmless water snake and good tasty tucker when roasted in coals.
This painting depicts two Jaigung, or file snakes swimming in water. File snakes are a harmless water snake and good tasty tucker when roasted in coals.
Name: Fabian Sandy
Language: Yolngu
Fabian was born in Yirrkala and now lives in Beswick. He and his brother were taught to paint by their mother. Fabian prefers to paint with a Jarlk grass reed brush and traditional bush colours in modern acrylics. He generally paints saltwater stories on canvas or bark, and also carves and makes didjeridus. As well as being a visual artist, Fabian is a master didjeridu player and traditional dancer.