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Woven StringBag Earrings Copper&925 Silver

Wagilak Yapa Watj (Wagilak Sisters) range –
exclusive jewellery from indigenous women of Beswick. Developed in studio workshops with jeweller Kate Sale and weaver Fiona Gavino, traditional fibre artists are translating their skills into a series of fine woven wire earrings and pendants. Hand woven in sliver, gold and copper, traditional forms are transformed as delicate interpretations of string and dilly bags, baskets and mats.

Featuring sterling silver, 9ct gold and copper (all nickel-free work).

Name: Sherri-Anne Wamutjan Campion

Community: Wugularr (Beswick)


Sherrie-Anne grew up in Beswick/Wugularr with her mother Virginia Watson and her Grandma Glen Wesan, from whom she learned the art of traditional pandanus weaving. She collects parrot feathers and but-but string bark to add to her weavings. Sherri Anne has been translating her knowledge of weaving into woven wire earrings.

© the artist / art centre