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Status: Stock


Emerging artist Cathy Ward learns from her culture and country from her grandmother Peggy Griffiths. In this painting she paints Goordim. Jinamoom, the Keep River flows through the painting and is joined by small tributaries. The hill on the left is Goordim, Butterfly Dreaming. The hill to the right is Eaglehawk Dreaming. The other hills are ant pits that scatter the country.

Name: CATHY Marawuk, Binbirridj WARD

Language: Miriwoong


"I grew up mostly around the old people.  I was raised by Peggy and Mr A. Griffiths who taught me right from wrong and raised me to be a good mum to my kids. They taught me about culture and painting. 
I grew up at Waringarri Arts from a little kid.  I remember running around the centre when I was 6 years old. I started painting when I was 10 which I enjoyed. I now also work in ceramics and textiles.
I want to pursue textiles for now and maybe in the future I will start painting again.  I have also become a board member for Waringarri Arts. Both my father and mother's side of the family are strong artists. 
My goal is to be an artist for the rest of my life and teach my kids about their culture and passing down knowledge."

© the artist / art centre