Published by CompNet Systems on

Barrawinya (hunt, camp)


Modern day hunting. Polluted river and skies. Foreign animals and dying trees


Name: Tiarne Hall


Tiarne Hall is a proud Wiradjuri woman. Tiarne joined Kaiela Arts in 2014. Her unique designs were chosen for Design Roots 2 – Lake in 2017 and she had the opportunity to collaborate with Spacecraft Studios to screen print her designs onto fabric. Her fabrics subsequently featured in the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair and Fashion Show in 2018. Tiarne has also worked closely with other Kaiela artists and community members to create “Yalka Lotjpa Nha”, a children’s Yorta Yorta language book. Tiarne’s artwork incorporates both traditional and contemporary themes and design elements and she has exhibited in Melbourne and other regional exhibitions.

© the artist / art centre