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Gum Leaf

The artwork depicts collecting gum leaves on Yorta Yorta country to be used in my creative artworks. Australian gum leaves can be found in numerous sizes and colours across the four seasons

Name: Melinda Solomon

Language: Kuku Yalanji, Girramay


Melinda Solomon is an Aboriginal woman of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji and Girramay people’s of Far North Queensland, and has recently started her art business Baljil Art based in Victoria.

As a visual artist Melinda creates and paints expressing passionately through different art mediums and colours. Inspired and influenced by family stories, including her love for the Australian landscape of rainforests, Bush lands, oceans, rivers including the native animals that inhabit these areas. These are depicted in traditional and cultural symbols together using intricate contemporary designs to produce beautiful colourful artworks.

© the artist / art centre