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Wandjinas (cloud and rain spirits)

Where you see a lot of Wandjinas they represent the laws of trees, rivers, rocks, bush fruit, animals and all of creation. The Wandjinas give the law on how we have to treat and use these creations. These customs are carried on today. The Wandjina spirits are highly respected by the Worrora, Ngarinyin and Wunumbul people who live at Mowanjum and up the Gibb River Road to Kalumburru in the North West Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Name: Curtis Barunga

Community: Mowanjum


Curtis is the third child in his family, and the son of Gordon Barunga who is a senior artist at the Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre. In turn, he's the grandson of the renowned and highly respected Albert Barunga, an Elder and community leader of the Worrorra people at 'old' Mowanjum.

Curtis was born in Derby and grew up out in Mowanjum watching his father and the other elders painting and learning about the Wandjina that represents the three tribes of his community.

Curtis is Worrorra from his father's side and Ngarinyin from his mother's side. He now lives in Derby with his own family.

Curtis is a young emerging artist here at the Mowanjum Art and Culture Centre and paints his traditional culture in a distinctive contemporary style. He participates in the annual Mowanjum Festival, helping the old people sing and dance Junba.



2020 REVEALED Fremantle Art Centre WA

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