Dry Season Wattle This painting represents the Dry Season Wattle that blooms during the dry season (winter).
Name: Phillip Gar Gar Gar Duckhole
Language: Ngarinyin
Community: Mowanjum
Phillip was born at Glenroy Station and was the eldest of 2 brothers and 1 sister. His father's country was Bremrrda and his mother's country was at Grace's Knob.
When his father passed away, he left Glenroy with his mother and went to Silent Grove, and then Mt Hart. After a few years they walked to Napier Downs, and then when Phillip was school-aged they walked all the way to Kimberley Downs for him to complete primary school. When it was time for him to attend high school he boarded at a high school in Derby and attended the United Aboriginal Mission. He left school in the late 1960s and worked at Kimberley Downs and Napier Downs stations where he learnt riding skills and carried out stock work.