When we go out on the reefs at low tide or even go into the creeks. These are some of the baits that we use to catch fish.
When we go out on the reefs at low tide or even go into the creeks. These are some of the baits that we use to catch fish.
Name: Flora Warria
Language: Kala Lagaw Ya, Creole
Community: Kubin
My name is Flora Warria, I'm from Kubin Community On Moa Island In the Torres Strait.
I am a descendant of the Mualgal Tribe. My ancestral land where I come from is Wug (now known as St Pauls Community).
Art and Craft has been a influence in my life from a very young age.
This knowledge has been passed down to me from generation to generation through oral teaching from ancestral time. This practice is still a big part of our lifestyle today.
In my art work I like to use natural materials and resources that is collected from my local area, with traditional knowledge I try to express my art and craft into contemporary visual arts.
My aim is to teach the younger generations to preserve and maintain our rich culture knowledge and practices for our future.