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Moa Island Style – Earrings

Moa Arts (Ngalmun Lagau Minaral) is an Indigenous-owned and operated art centre on Mua Island in the Torres Strait western cluster of islands. One of the primary aims of the art centre is to keep Muglal traditions of Zenadth Kes arts and culture strong for everyone through the production and sale of art.

The reputation of Moa Arts is built on the calibre of its limited edition lino-prints, etchings, weavings and island-style jewellery. Creative inspiration for these works comes from Mualgal ancestral stories, totemic representation and connections to sea, land, sky and family. Mua’s artists don’t have to look far to be inspired. The island and its surrounding waters and reefs hold a diverse set of land and marine ecosystems with niches for many rare and unique species such as dugong and sea turtle.

Art Centre notes: 

These earrings are made from glass beads and fishing line following traditional colour palettes. The findings are sterling silver.

Categories: Moa Arts

Name: Flora Warria

Language: Kala Lagaw Ya, Creole

Community: Kubin


My name is Flora Warria, I'm from Kubin Community On Moa Island In the Torres Strait.

I am a descendant of the Mualgal Tribe. My ancestral land where I come from is Wug (now known as St Pauls Community).

Art and Craft has been a influence in my life from a very young age.

This knowledge has been passed down to me from generation to generation through oral teaching from ancestral time. This practice is still a big part of our lifestyle today.

In my art work I like to use natural materials and resources that is collected from my local area, with traditional knowledge I try to express my art and craft into contemporary visual arts.

My aim is to teach the younger generations to preserve and maintain our rich culture knowledge and practices for our future. 

© the artist / art centre