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Art centre notes: this jewellery is made from natural raffia. The dyes used on the raffia is commercial and colour fast. this earring set also has matchbox seeds in the centre of the the earring.

Categories: Moa Arts

Name: Loretta Glanville

Language: English, Kala Lagaw Ya

Community: Kubin


I grew up in the Torres Strait. I am from a cultural background where my parents taught me about the local knowledge of the land. I have leaved on Kubin, Moa Island during my childhood and I'm from a family of 10. I would like to tell a particular stories and make a small film on my knowledge of Gelam, Seek, Yalbuz, Kara may and Murarath. haven't been any previous exhibitions or prizes but I would like to enter those compitetion once I kickstart this part of my career in Art. 

© the artist / art centre