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Dollar Reef II

There are three reefs off the coast of Lag Mua. The first, and closest, is Dollar Reef. It is the deeper one and most of the food comes from this one. Crayfish, fish, dugong, turtle and clams. The second and third reefs are further out and sit up higher. In the old times we went fishing and collecting in canoes, and carried seafood in baskets. Now we got dinghys and outboards and eskies. These baskets are more about sea life; the coral and sponges under the water.Art Centre notes: 

The basket is made of natural raffia / cotton / jute / sea chord and Kulap Seeds.

It is made using a traditional ‘one twist’ method. The basket sits on a woven base with tassles 40 to 90cm

The dyes are commercial and colour fast. 

Size of bowl: 30 x 60cm

Categories: Moa Arts

Name: Paula Savage

Language: Kala Lagaw Ya, Creole

Community: Kubin


My name is Paula Savage, I'm from Kubin Community Moa Island in the near western cluster of islands in the Torres Strait. I was born here on Moa Island and am a resident in the community.

I come from the Serganilgal clan group from the village of Dabu on Moa Island, and the Kaurareg Nation of Muralag and Kiriri. 

Art was my interest from such a young age and during high school I studied visual arts and commercial arts.

After leaving school I pursued other job careers, in early 2017 I became a member of Ngalmun Lagau Minaral Art Centre (Moa Arts) in Kubin Community to take up my passion for visual arts again.

A lot of my interest in art is in weaving, lino printing, tie-dying, fabric printing, drawing, carving, and jewellery making.

My artworks are based on my cultural heritage, stories in traditional knowledge, techniques and styles and also, I like to express my art based on our everyday lifestyle which we still today practice, our cultural laws and customs.   

© the artist / art centre