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“This river we call Mangabo. It is near Gudjarrngarrl homeland of my daughters, Deborah and Jennifer Wurrkidj. We cross that river when travelling to Munmoy outstation. In the wet season, that water comes up and covers over those rocks, and when you look down there are rocks all under the water.” 

– Helen Lanyinwanga

Name: Ruth Bindeidbal

Community: Maningrida


Ruth comes from a large artistic family is the young daughter of artists H.Karrkarrbha and Jennifer Wurrkidj. She is married to artist Obed Namirrkki song of artist Ivan Namirrkki and grandson of the famous Peter Marralwanga.

Like many artists in her family Ruth produces artworks across many mediums including sculpture and bark painting. She learnt to paint rarrk under the guidance of her mother and late father.

In her textile work, Ruth explores the ancestral stories of yawkyawk (young women spirit), mandjabu (fishtrap) and Namorroddo (women create).

Ruth is from the Kuninjku language group of Western Arnhem Land. Ruth is strongly connected to Maningrida and its surrounding country. Her country is Mangolod homeland, her mother’s country is Mumeka and her grandmother’s country is Barridjowkeng.

© the artist / art centre