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Djabayéna (Ancestral sawfish spirit)


Djabayéna is a highly significant saw fish creation spirit that is part of the symbolic identity of the Ndjébbana speaking Kunibidji people of West Arnhem Land. 

When seen from the sky, the formation of a large Djabayéna can be seen at the opening of the Liverpool River on the Western Point.

‘When tide in and then tide out we can see it’s up there round the corner on the point. There is one Djabayéna, really big. He sleep all the time here. Our dreaming, Djabayéna. We make t-shirt and they play football – home ground with Djabayéna.’ Verity Bangarra 2023

Name: Verity Bangarra

Language: Ndjébbana, Gunbalang

Community: Maningrida


Verity was born in Maningrida and is a Kunibidji land owner. Her mother was from Djinkarr and her father was born at Babbarra.

Verity has 7 children from the ages of 25 to 7 and she remembers bringing the oldest to the women's centre in 1998 when it was a creche as well as a creative workshop.

Verity was taught printing by the late Helen Williams, founder of the centre. Verity's totems are Lady Dreaming and Djabayéna and she also makes work about Makéddja (Turtle). 




© the artist / art centre