Published by CompNet Systems on

Kunkih (Mud Ripples)

This design depicts the patterns of the freshwater mud ripples, which emerge after strong monsoonal wet seasons on the Djinkarr and Nangak flood plains.

These ripples form on the earth’s surface in delicate repetitive and shifting patterns. The mud ripples move, crack, disappear and re-emerge in response to the changing wind, rains and new sun.

The mud ripples depicted in this design are on Elizabeth’s homeland, the Djinkarr and Nangak floodplains south of Maningrida in Arnhem Land.

Name: Elizabeth Kandabuma (dec)

Language: Gurrgoni, Kuninjku

Community: Maningrida


Elizabeth was born near Bulgay on Yirritjinga country. She designed at Bábbarra from the early 1990s, and participated in many exhibitions throughout her life, including Tandanya in Adelaide, ANU in Canberra and multiple Darwin Aboriginal Art Fairs. Her work was also featured in the Pandanus Mantra hotel commission.

Elizabeth had a distinctive artistic style, depicting the natural world with loose, organic strokes. Her style is evident in her key designs Kun-ngol (clouds), showing the cloud formations over her floodplain country after the wet season, and the fine detail of Kun-kirh (mud ripples) depicting cracked mud in the sun during dry season. Elizabeth is close family with Janet Marawarr, Lucy Yarawanga and Raylene Bonson, artists at Bábbarra.

© the artist / art centre