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Yalirragub Buru on rust silk – Martha Lee

 Yalirragub Buru on silk by Martha Lee 2022

Lengths of handprinted screen printed fabric on 100% silk dupion 137cm wide

The base fabric is ‘rust’ and is a two-colour print with black and mustard coloured details.

Martha is a Yawuru-Karajarri artist based in Broome.
This print speaks of Martha’s memories of Broome Town as it was when she was growing up. Broome has such a distinctive feel-most notably, the laidback, relaxed feeling.

Price is per metre.

Name: Martha Lee

Language: Karajarri, Yawuru

Community: Broome


Martha Lee is a Yawuru and Karrajarri woman from Broome. 

Martha is one of Nagula Jarndu’s senior artists and has been with the art centre since the 1980’s. Martha’s work is strongly influenced by the six Yawuru seasons- Laja. Man-gala, Marrul, Wirralburu, Barrgana and Wirlburu and she creates work built around what is happening during that time- bush tukka and medicine that is in season, weather patterns, fishing and hunting events and animal life. She has been taught to respect these seasonal changes and understand the practices required at that time- what food to eat, where to camp, tides to fish etc. Martha has a strong sense of pattern and linework in her art and uses these elements to represent patterns on country - tidal lines, wind tracks in the desert sand, or marks made by creatures as they travel across the land and sea.

© the artist / art centre