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Pandanus earrings by Daphne Banyawarra

Bush-dyed pandanus, harvested locally and dyed with bush dyes
Yolŋu artist and masterweaver Daphne Banyawarra is a strong Ganalbingu woman from Gurrwiliny (Arafura Wetlands). Her intricate and highly skilled works are made from naturally dyed pandanus and kurrajong plant materials sourced from the bush surrounding Ramingining, Arnhem Land. Her work embodies the traditional knowledge of the Yolngu Nation. The plant material is worked and treated in the ways passed on from ancestors and in doing, she recreates and identifies with sacred ceremonial objects which connect Yolngu to each other, to their past, their Creative Beings and to their Country.

Daphne harvests the youngest bunches of leaves from the top of the Gunga (pandanus spiralis) with a hooked long stick. The prickly edges stripped off with the thumb nail. Daphne returns to the bush to collect natural dyes from roots, leaves and grasses. The stripped pandanus is then boiled with the dye to create the variety of colours. The freshly dyed strips of pandanus are hung to drip-dry and are ready f or weaving whilst the fibres are still moist and pliable.

Categories: Purple Emu Art Centre

Name: Cyril Whyoulter

Language: Kartujarra


"My mum's father came from Kirriwirri in the North. I can paint that way too. I like pain ng, it's a good way to learn from old people, keep the stories going. Yunkurra (Billy Atkins (dec.)), my nyamu (grandfather), he's guiding me about what I can paint and share. My closest family is the Taylor mob; uncle Muuki, Wokka (dec.), and Ngalangka (Nola). They help me too."

- Cyril Whyoulter
Cyril's mother's and Father's country is Jartuti. He is the grandson of senior Martumili Artists Bugai Whyoulter and Pinyirr (dec.). Cyril grew up in Parnngurr and Punmu communities. He now lives with his wife and children between Perth and Newman.

Cyril first developed an interest in art making when he began colouring in pencil with his grandfather Larry Patterson. An avid experimentalist and prolific painter, he has since mastered many painting techniques and developed his own signature style in which the influence of his grandmother Bugai is evident. Cyril is respected as a learned cultural leader, and is a strong proponent of the importance of intergenerational knowledge transfer.

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