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Ngarrulaju nyarruri-ga

”My painting is about when Kunawarritiji kids went on a camping trip to a place call Nyarruri Well 32. We played football and ate kangaroo tail, the next day we drove to the rockhole.”


This canvas was painted as part of the Martumili Kuulkaja (Martu Schools) exhibition, a project designed to engage and celebrate the schools of the remote Martu communities.



Name: Delilah Petersen

Language: Manyjilyjarra


My name is Delilah and I am from Kunawarritji. I am 16 years old and I like to play sports. I like eating lungi (witchety grubs) which are my favourite. I like hunting with my mum for lungi. I have two brothers and i have a pet dog named Jessie. I live at my grandmother's house but sometimes I go to my mum's house just across the road.

© the artist / art centre