Ngalyod and Marebu
This textile combines designs by Jennifer Wurrjidj and her daughter Abigail Namundja. Marebu (pandanus mat), ngalyod (rainbow serpent) and other designs – Jabiru come together to make something quite remarkable.
Ngalyod (Rainbow serpent)
Rainbow spirit coming from billabong.
Rainbow serpent dreaming. Coming from billabong, that place we call billabong where that ngalyod (rainbow serpent) lives.
All that wayuk (waterlily), all them kundalk (grass) and pandanus, making skirt.
That’s the story now. – Jennifer Wurrkidj 2021
Rainbow serpent, daughter of the Mother One Rainbow Yingarna. The rainbow serpent is a central figure in traditional Bininj religion. She is the creator of places and is active during the wet season and is asssociated with rain and bodies of water. Rainbow serpents live in deep waterholes and rivers. Marrkidjbu are able to discern their presence and control them.’ Source – https://www.njamed.com/