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Evonne’s Dhulumburrk (Waterlily)

This painting depicts Dhulumburrk (Nymphaea violacea), a fresh waterlily. The flowers and lily pads of fresh waterlilies can be seen far and wide across the Arafura wetlands, providing coverage for many animal species including Banda (long-necked turtle) and Baru (crocodile). The flowers come in many beautiful colours, in particular a vibrant purple. Evonne depicted her own way of interpreting waterlily roots and lotus roots.


Categories: Bula'bula Arts

Name: Evonne Rraraypum

Language: Djambarrpuyungu


Evonne is one of eight children from one of the first recognised female painters in Ramingining; D. Djukulul. She has only recently started to come and paint at the art centre, however she watched and practiced with her Mum since she was a young child, carrying on family tradition through painting song lines and story lines.

© the artist / art centre