Crocodile AP
MYOB ref RH05 Black and white print
MYOB ref RH05 Black and white print
Name: Renee Hansen
Language: Yorta Yorta
I am a mum ,an artist,an animal lover.
I grew up in Newcastle .N.S.W. moved to Victoria to reunite with family
( Aboriginal family ) ..I was born in Newcastle,N.S.W. I grew up near the
ocean , learning stories of the Dream time going on excursions as a child ,to sacred places .
(rock paintings),(visiting Tiddlick the Frog ) large rock shapes like ,Tiddlick.
refer to the dream time story Tiddlick the frog ...
I love painting and creating ,i am inspired by our Dream time stories , our flora and faurna and of course the natural beauty of landscapes across the land ..
i also love water so you will find that themes also running through my art ...