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Kunwardde dja Kunronj (Rocks and Billabong)

Abigail has depicted the waterholes or Kunwardde dja Kunronj (Sacred Rocks and Billabong) that lie on the plains near Mankorlod, the country for which she is a traditional owner.

The waterholes remain wet throughout the year, even during dry season. This site is connected to the artist’s djang (dreaming), the ngalng (freshwater yabbie) and stone country. Mankorlod homeland is a three-hour drive from Maningrida in the kunwardde (stone country).

Name: Abigail Namundja

Language: Kuninjku

Community: Maningrida


Abigail has been working with Bábbarra Designs since 2012. She comes from a strong line of talented artists, her mother is Jennifer Wurrkidj and her grandmother was the late Helen Lanyinwanga. Three generations of women from Abigail’s family worked together at Bábbarra Women’s Centre, sharing knowledge and creating new designs together.

Abigail's totems are Gungura (Spiral wind) and Kunwardde (Stone country rocks). She is a talented lino printer and loves to print bush flower designs, Buluwana, yawkyawk and marebu. 

© the artist / art centre