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Maringgal (Spear Thrower)

The Maringgal (Spear Thrower) is used to help propel a spear. These items are used for hunting and highly decorative pieces are used in ceremony.

Also known as woomera; a flat type of spear thrower.

The Burarra word for scorpion maringgul ji-jurlpa literally translates as ‘Spearthrower on-her-bottom-end’. 

Excerpt from the Burarra – Gun-nartpa dictionary: with English finder list. Published by the Summer Institute of Linguistics 1994.

Name: Hedley Brian

Language: Kune

Community: Maningrida


Hedley Brian is a younger brother of acclaimed senior artist Lena Yarinkura. He has many careers in his life working as a CDP supervisor and is a keen and able gardener. He has incredible knowledge of native bush-foods of Arnhem Land and their uses.

In recent years like many of his family he has taken to becoming and artist, who makes Mako (didjeridu), Bark paintings and fibre sculpture.

© the artist / art centre