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Minyipuru (Jakulyukulyu, Seven Sisters)

“I paint the Seven Sisters stories for around Kunawarritji. The sisters came from Roebourne, and they was travelling to Northern Territory side. There was a man trying to get the women- Yurla. He was following them. All them womens [sic] was scared. They been fly to the sky and you’ll see all the seven stars there. You’ll see them sometimes early hours of the morning. Sometimes they make a kumpu (urinate) early in the morning, that’s why you get wet [laughs].”

– Pauline Williams


The term Jukurrpa is often translated in English as the ‘dreaming’, or ‘dreamtime’. It refers generally to the period in which the world was created by ancestral beings, who assumed both human and nonhuman forms. These beings shaped what had been a formless landscape; creating waters, plants, animals, and people. At the same time they provided cultural protocols for the people they created, as well as rules for interacting with the natural environment. At their journey’s end, the ancestral beings transformed themselves into important waters, hills, rocks, and even constellations. 

Minyipuru, or Jakulyukulyu (Seven Sisters) is a central Jukurrpa narrative for Martu, Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people that is associated with the seasonal Pleiades star constellation. Relayed in song, dance, stories and paintings, Minyipuru serves as a creation narrative, a source of information relating to the physical properties of the land, and an embodiment of Aboriginal cultural laws. When Martumili Artists was established in 2005, this was the first Jukurrpa story the artists agreed to paint for a broader public. 

Beginning in Roebourne on the west coast of Western Australia, the story morphs in its movement eastward across the land, following a group of women as they walk, dance, and even fly from waterhole to waterhole. As they travel the women camp, sing, wash, dance and gather food, leaving markers in the landscape and creating landforms that remain to this day, such as groupings of rocks and trees, grinding stones and seeds. During the entirety of their journey the women are pursued by a lustful old man, Yurla, although interactions with other animals, groups of men, and spirit beings are also chronicled.

Name: Pauline Williams

Language: Manyjilyjarra

Community: Kunawarritji


"I was born in Jigalong. My Dad's Country is all around Kunawarritji rockhole. He was born at Kunawarritji well, [Canning Stock Route] Well 33. Sometimes I paint that area. My mum used to paint and I started doing the painting with her. We painted her Country, and her mother's Country; [permanent springs] Wirnpa and Yimirri, the Jukurrpa (Dreaming) stories for that Country. It's in the Percival Lakes area. I've never been there but I know those places because of painting with my mum. Both sides I do painting.

I also used to paint with my two aunties; Rosie [Mantararr (Muntararr)] Williams (dec.) and [Muni] Rita Simpson (dec.), my mother's sisters. They've got one father. They came from one Country. My mum and my auntie's painting, that's the one I'm doing now- but my style is a little bit different. 

Background I like to use reds, for the red dust. I also like to use purple. All sorts of colours! I see those colours in the Country- all the sandhills, jila (snakes), or the Country around Kunawarritji well. That area is green.

I feel proud and happy when someone buys my painting. I love painting. I come in every day. Sometimes I go to my father's Country and I do the painting there too."

- Pauline Williams 


Pauline Williams, daughter of renowned Martumili Artist Jugarda (Dulcie) Gibbs (dec.), is part of the new generation of Martumili Artists. She frequently paints her mother's traditional country between the Percival Lakes and Kunawarritji. Recently Pauline has exhibited as part of several award and group exhibitions, including 'Revealed Emerging Aboriginal artists from Western Australia' (Fremantle Art Centre),'The Jury Prize' (Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery), 'Cossack Art Awards' and 'Desert Mob' (Araluen Centre).

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